Excel Functions and Formulas

List of Microsoft Excel Functions Tutorials

With Excel functions, you can handle all kinds of calculations much faster and more accurately than with manual work. Excel is an indispensable part of our daily work, but learning how to use its functions can help you work more efficiently. It's easy to feel difficult unless you're comfortable with Excel's functions, but it's easy to use once you understand how to use them. The use of functions is essential for improving work efficiency and accuracy. However, there are countless functions available in Excel, and it is impossible to learn them all. It's a good idea to start with the most basic functions, followed by the functions you need.

Most Used Excel Functions

  • VLOOKUP function: You can use this function to look up for a value in a range of cells or table by row and then return the associated data
  • SUM function: Use this function to add values in a range of cells
  • IF function: Use this function if you want to return one value if a condition is true and another value if it's false
  • COUNT function: You can use this function to count the number of cells that contain numbers in a range of cells
  • INDEX function: Use this function if you want to return a value or the reference to a value from within a range
  • MATCH function: Use this function to search for a value in a range of cells and then return the relative position in the range
  • INDEX and MATCH functions: You can use the combination of INDEX and MATCH functions to search for a value and then return the associated data

Date and Time Functions

  • DATE function
  • DATEIF function
  • DAY function
  • HOUR
  • NOW function
  • SECOND function
  • TIME function
  • TODAY function

Logical Functions

  • AND function
  • OR function
  • IF function

Lookup and Reference Functions

Math Functions

Statistics Functions

Excel Text Functions

Excel has a wide variety of functions for all kinds of calculations, but not everyone needs to learn all of them. Use them only when you need them.