Python slice() Function with Examples

How to Use the Python slice() Function In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the Python slice() function. The slice function returns a slice object representing the set of indices specified by the start, stop, and step arguments. You can use the Python slice() function to slice lists and tuples. Python slice() Syntax The syntax of the slice() function … Read more

MySQL MIN() Function – Get the Minimum Value

How to Use the MySQL MIN() Function and Examples In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the MySQL MIN() function. The MIN() function is an aggregate function that returns the minimum value in a group of values. Other aggregate functions in MySQL: MAX() function SUM() function AVG() function COUNT() function If you want … Read more

Python Random Number Generator with Examples

How to Generate Random Numbers in Python In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to generate a random number in Python. You’ll learn how to generate a random number using different methods with examples. To generate a random number in Python, you can use either the randint or randrange function. Note that you need to import random module to use … Read more

Excel SEARCH Function and Formula with Examples

How to Use the SEARCH Function and Formula in Excel In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the SEARCH function and formula in Excel.  SEARCH is a function to get the position of one text (find_text) within another text string (within_text). SEARCH returns the number of the starting position of find_text in within_text.  SEARCH() Syntax The syntax of the SEARCH() function is as … Read more

MySQL MAX() Function – Get the Maximum Value

How to Use the MySQL MAX() Function and Examples In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the MySQL MAX() function. MAX() is an aggregate function that returns the maximum value in a group of values. Other aggregate functions in MySQL are SUM() function, COUNT() function, MIN() function, etc. For example, suppose you have … Read more

MySQL REPLACE Function with Examples

How to Use the MySQL REPLACE Function In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the MySQL REPLACE function. REPLACE is a function to replace all occurrences of an old substring within a given string with a new substring. MySQL REPLACE() Syntax The syntax of the REPLACE() function is as follows: REPLACE(string, old_substring, new_substring) Remark String: The string you … Read more