Python Dictionary – What is a Dictionary in Python?

What is a Dictionary in Python and How to Use It

In this tutorial, you'll learn what a dictionary is in Python, how to create, add and remove items to and from, and iterate a dictionary. Also, this tutorial teaches you how to count the number of elements in a dictionary.

What is a Dictionary in Python?

A dictionary is an unordered collection of items. While other collection data types, such as lists, sets, or tuples, have only values, the dictionary has both keys and values pair.

Creating a Dictionary in Python

Dictionary literals are written within curly brackets { }.

Here are examples:

students = {
"101": "Student A",
"102": "Student B",
"103": "Student C"
students = {
1: "Student 1",
2: "Student 2",
3: "Student 3"
items = {
"sales_price": 1200.50,
"cost": 1100,
"item_name": "Item 001",
"quantity": 20

Accessing Items

To access the items of a dictionary, you use the key inside square brackets [] to get its value.




Let's take a look at an example:

students = {
"101": "Student A",
"102": "Student B"
student = students["101"]
print (student)

Here, we get a value of the item that has key "101":


Student A

You also can use the dictionary get() method to get the same result as illustrated in the following example:

students = {
"101": "Student A",
"102": "Student B"
student = students.get("102")
print (student)


Student B

Adding Items

You can add an item to a dictionary by using a new key and assign a value to it.

dictionary[new_key] = value

Let's take a look at an example:

employees = {
1: "Employee A",
2: "Employee B",
employees[3] = "Employee C"
print (employees)

Here, we've created a dictionary containing two elements and then added a new item, which key is 3, and value is Employee C.


{1: 'Employee A', 2: 'Employee B', 3: 'Employee C'}

Removing Items

You can remove the item from a dictionary using the pop() method or the del keyword.

To remove the item at the specified key from a dictionary using the pop() method, use the following code:

Here is an example of using pop():

employees = {
1: "Employee A",
2: "Employee B",
employees[3] = "Employee C"
print (employees)
print (employees)

Here, we've added a new item and then removed the exiting item, which key is 1.


{1: 'Employee A', 2: 'Employee B', 3: 'Employee C'}
{2: 'Employee B', 3: 'Employee C'}

Let's take a look at another example:

employees = {
1: "Employee A",
2: "Employee B"
del employees[1]
print (employees)

Here, we've used del instead of the pop() method.


{2: 'Employee B'}

You can also use the del keyword to delete the dictionary completely.

Here is an example:

items= {
"unit_price": 1500,
"unit_cost": 2300,
"name": "Item 001"
del items

Now the items dictionary has been deleted, so it's no longer available.

Changing Values

You can change the value of a specific item by assigning a new value to the existing key as follows:

dictionary_name[key] = value


students["name"] = "James"
students["id"] = "ID_00001"

If the key does not exist, it will be a new key and value pair.

Let's take a look at an example:

students = {
"name": "James"
print ("=== before ===")
print (students)
students["name"] = "John"
students["id"] = "ID_0001"
print ("=== after ===")
print (students)


=== before ===
{'name': 'James'}
=== after ===
{'name': 'John', 'id': 'ID_0001'}

Since the name key exists in the dictionary, the value has changed from James to John. But in case of the id key, since it doesn't exist, it is a new item of the dictionary.

Check if Key Exists

To check if a specified key is present in a dictionary, you use the in keyword and the IF statement.

Here is an example:

employee = {"ID": "20002", "DateOfBirth": "2010-10-01"}
print ("Check if Name exist!")
if "Name" in employee:
print ("The key \"Name\" already exists in the dictionary!")
print ("The key \"Name\" doesn't exist in the dictionary!")
print ("Check if ID exists!")
if "ID" in employee:
print ("The key \"ID\" exists in the dictionary!")
print ("The key \"ID\" doesn't exist in the dictionary!")


Check if Name exist!
The key "Name" doesn't exist in the dictionary!

Check if ID exists!
The key "ID" exists in the dictionary!

Read more on how to use the IF statement in Python

In this tutorial, you've learned what a dictionary is in Python, how to create, add items to, remove items from, and iterate over a dictionary. Also, you've learned how to count the number of elements in a dictionary.

See also:
Python return Statement with Examples
Python List Methods and Functions with Examples
Python abs() – Absolute Value in Python
Python Factorial – Find the Factorial of a Number
Python min() – Find the Smallest Value in Python

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